Arrival in Paris – 2011 France Realtime No.2 –

2011 France realtime

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris 20110417-IMG_3907

I came to Paris via Frankfurt. It’s the same trip as last year, but I didn’t stop at Paris because I took the southern route at that time. So it was my first visit to Paris in 4 years. I wonder if I’ve been to Paris the most.

You are here.

I like Notre Dame, so I chose a hotel near it. Hotels in this area are expensive….

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris 20110417-IMG_3865

The temperature in the evening is a little chilly than Tokyo, which is very comfortable.

Well the internet connection is very good, MiFI is working fine.

After arriving in Europe, I was upset to find that the twitter client on my iPhone was not working, but according to the information from my followers, it seems that this was affected by the “time zone setting”.

  • 「設定」→「一般」→「日付と時刻」に進み、
  • 「自動設定」とすすみ「オフ」にする
  • 「時間帯」を現地(自分の場合はパリに。検索して探す)

I solved the problem successfully by doing the following!

Paris 20110417-IMG_3912

