Sending out current location information on the day of the Tokyo Marathon

runningtokyo marathon 2011



Basically, it’s twitter, but I’m thinking of the following three ways to provide location information sequentially.

  1. I’m here now!(Google Mapによるリアルタイム発信、twitterと連動)
  2. 公式位置情報サービス(5km毎の通過時間を通知)
  3. foursquare(毎度おなじみ位置情報SNS、twitterと連動)

I’m here now!

This is the most real-time location information transmission, updating your current position on Google Maps every 10 seconds.

On the day of the event, the following tweets will be made every 10 minutes.

It’s the familiar “Now here! Here it is. By setting it like this, location information will be updated every 10 seconds, and tweets will be updated every 10 minutes.

Again, the tweets are every 10 minutes, but the location information is every 10 seconds, so it’s almost real-time information.

Now, there are two shortened URLs for this tweet.

The first URL is a link to the map of the place you tweeted.

404 Page not found

This is the easiest way to understand from your iPhone or other smartphones. It’s really good. When I participated in the previous contest, I didn’t have this “Kon Koko Now! wasn’t here.

PC版にはツイキャスとI’m here now!の現在地情報がひとつのページでみられるようなものを用意、これまたツイートされているこちらの短縮URL「」で見れます。


Official Location Services

There is also an official location service.


We do not have a computer for record search at each venue, so please use the mobile site.

The searchable records are for reference only as they are preliminary.

The runner update service is a

It will start around 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 27, the day of the tournament.

The address of the search for the day is as follows.



In order to see this, it is helpful to have your “number number”. We won’t know this until you register, so we’ll be in touch later.

However, this one will only let you know every 5km. So it’s a bit lacking….

By the way, how this measurement system works is that you get a measurement badge at the registration and attach it to your running shoes like this. (*The photo is from the last race)

(*This is a photo from the previous contest.)

In this state, when you pass through the red floor at each checkpoint, the chip automatically reacts and records your time. Yeah, it’s pretty high-tech!

(*This is also a photo from the last time I competed)

As a matter of fact, it is one of the prerequisites to enter the race that you must wear this measurement chip. If you forget it, you will be “disqualified”. I’ll make sure not to forget it the day before.


これは先日の日記でも書いたとおりです。(foursquare 東京マラソン用にVenue登録してみた

It can be called twitter after all. This is more of a “memorial,” though (laughs)

