Happy New Year! I’m going to make a goal that I may not be able to say or do this year.


Happy New Year!

We look forward to working with you this year.

Gordes 20111013-Gordes_pamorama

ゴルド, 2011年10月 フランス

Last year, I played with many things, set goals and didn’t keep them. It was a year of curiosity as always, and I started something new again that I hadn’t even thought about.

Of course, I would like to live curiously this year as well. Well, it’s a new year, so my ideals are high! right?

So, I’d like to set a goal that has become an annual tradition and is likely to be unfulfilled.

I guess the common theme for this year is “more”.

I put up three of them.

Read “more” books.

The last three years have been about moving away from TV, newspapers, the internet, and the cloud, and the transition to iPhone and Mac has accelerated that lifestyle even more.

However, it can be said that the situation is almost settled.

On the other hand, I feel like I’m reading a lot less hardcopy-based book text.

Of course, I don’t mind e-books, but in any case, I’m trying to read more print. I’m thinking of reading a lot of books on financial economics that are related to my work.

And I’d like to do some simple book reviews on my blog.

Play “more” flute.

“I’ve been working on the flute in a rather hurried and slow manner, but I’m gradually learning the fingering and expanding my range, so I’d like to challenge a variety of repertoire with just a little more desire.

It’s usually too lax, and I feel a little bad for the doctor (laughs).

But first, I’ve got to go adjust.

Living a “more” minimalist life.

Here’s the last one. This is definitely my biggest goal for the year.

Specifically, for a variety of reasons, I’m planning to move out of my current home and start living at home within the next six months.


Here’s what to bring except for bedding, clothing, books, camera equipment (SLR, video, etc.), and daily necessities (including iPhones).

  • PC関連(iMac、MacBookPro、MacBookAir、Windows PC、ディスプレイ数台)
  • PC用テーブル1台
  • チェア1台
  • サイドテーブル1台
  • 本棚1台
  • クローゼット1台
  • 自転車1台
  • 自動車1台
  • 旅行用トランク2台
  • ゲーム機器(PS3、Wii)

I plan to reduce the amount of stuff to a level that a two-ton truck can comfortably hold, or even rent a light truck and move in by myself, and then throw away all the rest.

Note that I have many ideas about this “minimalist life” and I would like to write more about it in another article.

That’s all.

