Kanazawa Marathon 2015, I applied for the tour with the right to participate.

kanazawa marathon 2015
kanazawa marathon 2015running

金沢マラソン2015 ウェブサイトより http://www.kanazawa-marathon.jp/index.html


金沢マラソン2015 ウェブサイトより http://www.kanazawa-marathon.jp/index.html



それなりのお値段はするようですが、僕は「26 金沢駅発 金沢市内連泊プラン:72,000円」を選択。

This fee includes a participation fee of 10,500 yen for one person, so roughly 60,000 yen for two people staying two nights, or 15,000 yen per person per night. It’s not cheap by any means, but we decided it’s not bad because we can secure the right to participate. It seems that there is only breakfast for a meal. By the way, the cheerleader will be my wife. (I heard that marathon is good.)

So, I just successfully completed the application.

Since the beginning of this year, I have not been able to run at all because I missed both Tokyo and Kyoto, because I had no plans or energy to run, and because it was cold. I want to do something at least once a year.

