The site layout has been changed, and the past articles are being organized and their use is being enhanced.

02.IT related
02.IT relatedessay


This year’s year-end and New Year’s holidays were blessed with warm and sunny weather and were very comfortable.

I finished my work on December 30 and was only able to take four days off (December 31 and the first three days of the New Year), so it was a hectic New Year’s holiday for me.

Every year at the beginning of the year, I make a lot of goals, but unfortunately, I have never been able to carry out any of them. However, I have made some progress over the years. I believe that it is never a waste of time to fantasize about what you want to do.

The theme of this post is another one of my goals that I set almost every year.

I started my blog in April 2005. I am already in my 11th year. Thus, there are a great many posts here. Most of the posts are from 2009, when I switched to WordPress, but you can still browse posts from 2008 and before. In any case, there are many posts other than the recent articles and related articles whose titles and outlines appear on the top page, or the articles with many accesses.

I thought it was important to increase the number of accesses to these buried articles in order to increase the number of accesses to the site as a whole, but I hadn’t been able to make much use of them until now. Therefore, I wanted to review the layout and structure of the site once again, and work on organizing the past articles and strengthening their utilization.

I did some of these tasks during the short year-end and New Year holidays, and I will write about them below.

1. leveraging the post on the tour of France’s most beautiful villages


When I was writing articles for this category, I was trying to update them as quickly as possible, and as a result, many of them were simply pasted photos with little content.

In addition, because the size of the photos at that time was not so large due to the design at that time, the current one-column layout does not look good when viewed on a PC.

In order to solve these shortcomings, we would like to increase the value of articles related to the most beautiful villages in France by taking the following actions as early as possible this year.

  • 写真を大きくする
  • 復活させたサイドバー(後述)に、美しい村関連の当サイト内ページやカテゴリーのリストを配置する
  • 同じくサイドバーに、ランダムに過去記事が表示する
  • 記事タイトルに「総合評価」の星印をつけて、一目でその村の美しさがわかるようにする
  • 各記事に「村の概要」、「地図と地域圏・県」、「総合評価以外の項目(景色、行きやすさなど)」、「近隣の美しい村リストとそこまでの距離・時間」、「公式サイトと近隣の宿泊情報」といった美しい村に関する一般情報を掲載する。
  • 1日に1回以上、関連記事のURLと写真をランダムに投稿するtwitterボットを作成する。

時々「この村はいったいどの辺にあるの?」というご指摘を受けます。そこで、フッター直前のエリアにGoogle Mapを配置するようにしました。緯度経度情報をデータベースに格納しているので、page_idとひも付けて取得し、Google Static Maps APIを用いて地図画像を取得しています。あわせて地域圏や県の情報も掲載しています。

また、Google Maps Distance Matrix APIを利用して作成した近隣の美しい村とそこまでの距離や移動時間(車)の一覧表、公式サイトおよび近隣20km圏内のホテル情報(Booking.comより)へのリンクも自動的に配置できるように工夫しました。

As for the twitter bot that automatically posts past articles on France’s most beautiful villages, it has been in operation since January 8, 2016.

I’ve customized the post so that it always comes with a thumbnail photo. I will touch on how to create this in a separate post.

2. extended to “Self Introduction Page” -> “About This Site

One of the most common comments I get about this site is that there are too many contents and it’s hard to find them. This is a result of my lack of organizational skills, and I am very sorry, but I have been neglecting this site for a long time.

Therefore, we decided to create an opportunity to make it a little easier for you to find other articles by changing our site usage guide to focus on “recommendations for searching within the site and from general search engines”.


This way you can understand a little better what kind of topics are often discussed.


[php]<?php wp_tag_cloud(‘smallest=12 & largest=12 & orderby=count & number=50 & order=DESC’); ?>[/php]

さらに、タグごとに改行されるのを防ぐため、「wp-includes > category-template.php」にある「function wp_tag_cloud」を、次のように書き換えてみました。変更させたのは[highlight]’separator’ => ” / “,[/highlight]の箇所です。


function wp_tag_cloud( $args = ” ) {

$defaults = array(

‘smallest’ => 8, ‘largest’ => 22, ‘unit’ => ‘pt’, ‘number’ => 45,

‘format’ => ‘flat’, ‘separator’ => " / ", ‘orderby’ => ‘name’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,

‘exclude’ => ”, ‘include’ => ”, ‘link’ => ‘view’, ‘taxonomy’ => ‘post_tag’, ‘post_type’ => ”, ‘echo’ => true


$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

$tags = get_terms( $args[‘taxonomy’], array_merge( $args, array( ‘orderby’ => ‘count’, ‘order’ => ‘DESC’ ) ) ); // Always query top tags


3. revival of the sidebar

We recently discontinued it due to our focus on mobile first, but we decided to bring it back. We hope to use this sidebar to provide more information related to beautiful villages in France and to strengthen our affiliate program.

We’ve also removed the footer widget. This is because the sidebar takes its place on mobile.

4. past articles and related articles with thumbnails are placed in various places

これまでも過去記事や関連記事を各所に配置していましたが、クリック率を上げるため、大きめのサムネイル画像を掲載することにしました。全記事のアイキャッチ画像の設定にはしばらく時間がかかりそうです。なお、このためにプラグイン[highlight]「Yet Another Related Posts Plugin」[/highlight]を導入しました。細かいカスタマイズができて便利です。

5. https support

Since last year or so, there has been talk of “Google indexing https preferentially”.

Although there is an observation that the degree of influence is still very low, this site has been migrating to https since around September last year with a view to learning. However, there were some pages that were not supported when we started, so we reviewed them again at the end and beginning of this year. Thanks to that, we have completed the migration of most of the pages, but there are still some pages that are not supported yet, so we will continue to work on the migration.

The ability to support https is partly due to the impact of cheaper proprietary SSL registration.

