201405 Italy The traffic violation notice from the end of April last year arrives from Italy now. 先日、ポストを見ると「ITALY様」からお手紙が届いているとの不在通知票がありました。I have a bad feeling about this. Another traffic ticket? Speeding? I fearfull... 2015.02.11 201405 ItalyEuropean traffic violation
201405 Italy I heard he had a traffic ticket in Italy. There was a letter in the post today, sent from an Italian car rental company. I wondered what it was, if it was that? S... 2014.08.08 201405 ItalyEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France Continue to Traffic Violations in Spain, I contacted the Spanish Embassy to ask if the website http is not encrypted and dangerous… Our annual GW Europe trip is finally coming up next week, and I'd like to talk about this topic again just before the tr... 2013.04.24 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France Easy payment! I got a traffic ticket at France part 2-2012 France and Spain さてさて、昨日届いたフランスの交通違反の件ですが、スペインとは大違いでもう罰金支払い完了しました。First, go to this site↓ is a proper English version! This is very helpf... 2012.10.19 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France I got a traffic ticket at France Part 1-2012 France and Spain Oops, I wrote a diary with a similar title before...When I got back from my trip to Greece, I sorted through the mailbox... 2012.10.18 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France And I got a proper call from the embassy! Thank you! I got a traffic ticket at Spain part 3 -2012 France and Spain 例のスペイン国内でのスピード違反の話。The other day, under the guidance of a friend, we successfully resolved the issue, but lo and behold,... 2012.07.30 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France I paid the fine via internet safely! I got a traffic ticket at Spain Part 2 -2012 France and Spain 先日blogでもお伝えした、スペインでのスピード違反にかかる罰金の件。交通違反しちゃった at スペイン その1-2012 France and Spain | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp to the full coop... 2012.07.26 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2012 Spain and France I got a traffic ticket at Spain Part 1 – 2012 France and Spain 昨日帰宅したときにポストを見ると、なにやら外国からの手紙が…。It seems to be from Spain. It's some kind of unfamiliar envelope."I had a bad feeling abo... 2012.07.18 2012 Spain and FranceEuropean traffic violation
2009 England 交通違反しちゃった at London 今日家に帰るとエアメールがロンドンから届いておりました。開けてみると3枚の印刷物が。まず1枚目。これは車を借りたEuropcarからのものでして、要約しますと、地元当局から交通違反に関する通知が来て罰金が科せられたので、レンタル時に使用した... 2009.09.02 2009 EnglandEuropean traffic violation