
How far should you go in search of cheap gasoline?

I took a long drive on the weekend and refueled for the first time in a long time. I joined Esso, Mobil and General's "S...

I received this email from Apple

The other day, right after I installed "Adobe Photoshop Touch" on my new iPad, I received this email.Dear **************...
05. Music

Flute Lesson No.61

This may be my first slump since I started. I actually played twice this week, but I couldn't get any sound. I wonder if...

The number of European driving friends may be gradually increasing – from recent web interactions

この1ヶ月あまりヨーロッパドライブに関しての交流が3件ほど続いたので綴っておきます。europe driving | my lifelog contact from a couple we met in a beau...
10. Hobby General


言わずと知れたあの超高級ブランド、銀座にある「アルマーニ銀座タワー」の10Fにある「ARMANI / RISTORANTE」で、毎度おなじみのメンバーと一緒にお食事をしていきました。I was a little hesitant to en...

Buy the “new” iPad!

I immediately purchased the iPad, which was released simultaneously worldwide today. For now, I'd like to report.Nothing...
02.IT related

Google Earth on iOS can read kml now!

It's a pretty maniacal topic, so I'm sorry...Google Earth for iOS and iPhone, which I've been pretty absent from lately,...
2012 Spain pre

I’m going to take a train this year after a long time -2012 France and Spain Preparation No.6

(2006, Zwo Station, Berlin, Germany)We are almost done preparing for our Golden Week trip.This time, the first half is i...

March 11, exactly one year since the earthquake

今日はあの地震が起こってからちょうど1年です。There were a lot of things that happened, such as rolling blackouts and power saving during the s...

For me, tumblr could be dedicated to “Pin” texts and sentences that I like.

twitterと同じくらいの時期に始めたので意外と長く続いているtumblr。 don't use it that often, but I like it a lot because it has very simple and cool...
05. Music

Flute Lesson No.60

Whoa, what a 60th lesson.To be honest, I wasn't blowing at all this time... But I realized how important it is to have p...

Yakiniku Beijing Debut

先日のことですが、噂はかねがね聞いていた「焼肉北京」、デビューしました。It's true, as they say, "you can only order once," "the service isn't great," and "i...

Shirako Festival at Sushi Restaurant Daisho with Grain Oke members

音楽好き、そして美味しい物お酒好きな、そんな仲良し10数人で大井町の「すし処 さいしょ」さんへ。The event was so popular that we had to split it into two sessions. Toda...

Reading the viral loop made me think about the stagnation in Japan and the game music industry.

久しぶりに読書感想文でも。バイラル・ループ あっという間の急成長にはワケがあるAdam Penenberg Appeasement of NakayamaIf you like social media and SNS, you will ...
02.IT related

Just 3 years of using WordPress and Twitter

March 2009, when I was busy preparing for the Tokyo Marathon, was a very important month in terms of shaping my lifestyl...