The SOPA strike has begun.

02.IT related


What is it to begin with? This article was the easiest to understand.

ウィキペディア英語版1日閉鎖で話題になっているSOPAとは何か(広瀬隆雄) – BLOGOS(ブロゴス)

I would like to take the liberty of excerpting some of the contents of the article.

SOPAとはStop Online Piracy Act(オンライン海賊行為阻止法案)の頭文字を取ったアクロニム(略称)で、正式には去年10月26日に提出された下院法案第3,261号を指します。この法案を起草したのはテキサス州の共和党議員、ラマール・スミスです。同法案には12名の議員がスポンサーとして連名しています。

This bill would apply U.S. law to copyright violations that occur outside the United States, primarily in China. It can be applied not only to the infringement of intellectual property rights but also to the crackdown on counterfeit goods.

Well, I don’t know if I feel that it’s too much.

Still, it’s more interesting than you might think to see the strike pages on various sites.


That’s very cool.

Here’s what Google had to say about it.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

The service seems to work, though.


Speaking of WordPress, they already have a plugin for the SOPA strike….

Plugins categorized as sopa |

Amazing. And only this page can be viewed as usual, other pages under can’t be viewed (lol).

It is certainly very understandable that they are protesting for freedom of expression.


I was going to write another article, but there were so many sites on strike that I decided to write this one (laughs) Well, I’m sure things will be back to normal tomorrow.
