Art gallery

2012 Spain and France

Madrid Prado Museum – Free admission because it was International Museum Day – 2012 Spain and France

Date of visit: May 18, around 6:00 p.m.Madrid is about 1:0 hour ahead of Avila.This is the end of our rental car driving...
2012 Spain and France

Fernand Léger Museum -2012 France and Spain

Date of visit: May 9, 2012We will stay in Antibes, and the next day, on the 9th, we will continue our revenge tour of th...
2012 Spain and France

Antibes, Picasso Museum -2012 France and Spain

Date of visit: May 8, 2012I can't wait to get out of this uncomfortable Italy and back to France! We left the Palazzo Ve...
10. Hobby General

I went to the Hara Model Railroad Museum.

昨日、原鉄道模型博物館に行ってきました。What kind of place is it? You can see it clearly in this video.The world's fastest and largest? s di...
10. Hobby General

Hideaki Anno, Director, Special Effects Museum at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

I went to this exhibition last weekend.東京都現代美術館|MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART TOKYO was fun!In spite of the heavy rain, the...

POLA ART MUSEUM -April 2012 Hakone Trip No.2

It's around lunchtime, but this is the Pola Museum of Art, which was actually the meeting place for this trip.I've been ...
2010 Russia

一眼レフカメラ・レンズ盗難と保険申請、その結果 - 2010 Russia No.9 –

ちょっと観光の話を離れます。 yuukoma うおー、一眼のレンズ取られた!まじで(>_
2010 Russia

エルミタージュ美術館 No.3 - 2010 Russia No.8 –

訪問日時:2010年10月8日午前11時頃前回、前々回からの続きです。前回はこちら↓エルミタージュ美術館 No.2 - 2010 Russia No.7 -前々回はこちらエルミタージュ美術館 No.1 - 2010 Russia No.6 ...
2010 Russia

エルミタージュ美術館 No.2 - 2010 Russia No.7 –

訪問日時:2010年10月8日午前11時頃前回からの続きです。前回はこちら↓エルミタージュ美術館 No.1 - 2010 Russia No.6 -それでは早速中へ入ります。いきなり残念だったのは、「大使の階段」が改装中だったことです。写真...
2010 Russia

エルミタージュ美術館 No.1 - 2010 Russia No.6 –
