The most beautiful villages in France Ranking of the number of beautiful villages by region

The most beautiful villages of France
The most beautiful villages of France


The 3 best regional areas for the number of beautiful villages

No. 3: Aquitaine 15 places

Regional Area Emblems

area name

Number of beautiful villages

Overall evaluation (average)

Aquitaine( アキテーヌ)



Aquitaine is located in the southwest of France.

The largest city, the capital, is the famous Bordeaux.


The overall rating (average) is 3.87, which is much higher than the overall average, and it can be said that the regional area has high quality as well as quantity.

It is also a region of gastronomy, with the “foie gras” of the Dordogne and the wines of Bordeaux.

No. 2: 18 places in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Regional Area Emblems

area name

Number of beautiful villages

Overall evaluation (average)

Provence-Alpes-Côte d Azur(プロヴァンス=アルプ=コート・ダジュール)



Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, synonymous with the south of France, is also ranked an impressive second.

The largest city and head of state is Marseille.

Because of the impression of the Côte d’Azur, we tend to think of it as being “by the sea”, but in fact the most beautiful villages are concentrated in the rugged mountainous areas.


In addition to the beautiful villages, the area is dotted with World Heritage sites and tourist attractions.

No. 1: Midi-Pyrenees 31 places

Regional Area Emblems

area name

Number of beautiful villages

Overall evaluation (average)




As expected, the Midi-Pyrenees took first place with a total of 31 places, far ahead of the second place and below. With a total of 31 places, including the defeat of the Cathari, the Bastide, the pilgrimage to Santiago, and many villages related to the Middle Ages, it is the undisputed number one.

The largest city and head of state is Toulouse.

When we think of the south of France, we tend to associate it with Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur because of its name recognition, convenience of transportation, and concentration of attractions, but if you want to feel the true “atmosphere of the Middle Ages”, I don’t think there is an area on the right of Midi-Pyrénées.


If you are going to try to drive in Europe, this Midi Pyrenees is the area that I would definitely recommend.

The Languedoc-Roussillon region is also a good place to start, with 14 beautiful villages, the fourth largest in the world, and many World Heritage sites.

