I’ll study French in 2011! – French learning record No.1 –

Language study
Language study

Sant Cirq Lapopie 20100428-IMG_4951-Edit3

Saint Cirq Lapopie, Midi-Pyrénées France, Apr 2010


I wish you a Happy New Year once again. I look forward to working with you again this year.

Well, every year I try something new. But this year, I’d like to focus on one thing.

It’s already obvious from the title, but I think I’m going to study “French”. After all this time?

The European country that I find myself traveling to the most is France. I’ve been to France 6 times in the past: 1998 (World Cup), 2004 (Paris), 2006 (Loire), 2006 (Spring), 2006 (Provence, Cote d’Azur), 2007 (Paris), 2010 (Midi-Pyrenees, etc.). And I plan to go to France again this year to continue my GW tour of beautiful villages.

I was thinking that I should do something about the fact that I can’t speak French at all. When you get used to it, you can do everything by yourself, so you don’t have a chance to speak.

As expected, I wanted to do something about this, so I set my goal for this year as “French”.


But what should I do? I don’t have much time and I don’t want to spend a lot of money.

So, I googled for now and found this site.

フランス語Chocolat : podcast, フランス語レッスン & 情報 http://t.co/cq6DXQR

I thought I could use it because it seems to have a podcast. And this kind of service for a fee.

Chocolat メソッドで本格的にフランス語を学習していきたい方にお勧めです。月々わずか850円で、月?金曜日まで毎日届く単語メルマガや仏語インタビュー・文法解説テキストがダウンロードできるサービスが受けられます。

Well, it’s not expensive and I’ll give it a try. However, because it seemed to be high level suddenly, I examined this and that a little more.

フランス語超初心者のための語学iPhoneアプリ+Podcast+本+TV – skullstar.net http://t.co/oG8dk6u


Well, it’s expensive, but…

I know about the left side, but when it comes to the right side, I can’t stand it at all… It’s not an easy conversation book, and it’s going to be hard to study it properly.

In the meantime, I’d like to start using this app and podcast to see what it’s all about.


Yeah, but I don’t think I’ll end up being a three-day monk…

But fortunately, I have a hobby that I have been doing for a long time, which is the only one that I can say is not an exaggeration. It’s this blog. So, I think that if I keep a history of my learning here, it will be closer to lasting. However, I haven’t thought about how I’m going to record it yet.

