April 2017 Journey to Western Spain and Portugal Part 4: Other Places to Visit No. 11 – April 25 Bridge from Armada

April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey

Visited on May 1, 2017, at approximately 4:00 p.m.

Lisbon is a port city, and its famous bridge is the 25th of April Bridge. If you’ve ever been to Lisbon, you must have seen it at least once. You can see it when you go to Belém district.

However, it is easier to appreciate this bridge if you view it from Armada, a city on the other side of Lisbon.

There is a square just where the statue of Cristo Rey (inspired by Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this is not the original) towers, and it is best to view it from there. It was a national holiday and the weather was fine, so it was crowded with many tourists.

Almada 01052017-_MG_1389
Almada 01052017-_MG_1380

In addition, when we came here, of course we passed this April 25 bridge by car. It’s fun too! I took a video, so I’ll post that too.


4月25日橋ドライブ! いい天気! #ポルトガル #Portugal #リスボン #Lisbon

Une publication partagée par Yuu KOMATA (@yuukoma) le

A few more travelogues of Spain and Portugal will follow.
