What I felt in the news related to Mountain Lion – The speed of direct information gathering by RSS, which is different from twitter



There have already been a number of good explanatory articles about what this new OS is all about.


ASCII.jp:新OS「OS X Mountain Lion」 ― ポストPC時代に合わせ、Macの進化を加速させるアップル http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/672/672387/

I didn’t really feel anything when I heard these news before, but when it comes to Makar, it’s very exciting.

Reactions on the web at home and abroad

Now, I’m not a journalist, I’m just a layman, and I can’t help but write about the new OS in detail.

So, I’m going to change my point of view and write about how I found out about this topic and what I felt when I saw how it happened. I’m going to try to write my impressions from the point of view of

I think it was after 10:00 pm on February 16th when this news was released and people started to talk about it.

I first learned about this topic from this article in the Nikkei Shimbun.

I happened to find this article in my Google Reader and opened it thinking that Nikkei, an old man’s media, is writing a cool article.

I looked at it and saw that it said “new OS” and I thought that Lion came out last summer and that they were slow to talk about it as usual, but it wasn’t like that, it was really about the “new OS” that was just announced!

It was soon followed by news in the Wall Street Journal (in English, of course), which has been getting more and more priority lately.

The ones who responded and sent out information earlier are Mashable and so on, though it’s just my feeling at the level of Twitter TL and Google Reader feed.


Apple、次期OS Xである「OS X Mountain Lion」を発表 – 気になる、記になる… http://taisyo.seesaa.net/article/252611527.html

I think it was relatively early in this area.

The joy of knowing early.

But still… I was very frustrated because it was from Nikkei that I first learned about this information (laughs).

まあそれは冗談として、いずれにしても今回のようなニュース、(一部の人とはいえ)世界的に感心の高いニュースがどうやって報道されて、翻訳されて伝わっていくのかというのをGoogle Readerを通してリアルタイムで追っていけたことがとっても面白かったです。

I’ve never been one to pay much attention to breaking news, but I thought it was important to be aware of the importance of knowing highly sensitive information as soon as possible, and that knowing it as soon as possible is interesting in itself.

Breaking news unlike twitter

This breaking news that I felt this time is a little different from twitter.

The most obvious difference is the number of words of information, which in a way is obvious. Yes, the text itself is a solid volume of articles.

It is true that twitter has a real time feature of tweeting such voluminous “This is the media that publishes news and commentary articles! This is the media that is sending out news and commentary articles!


I guess facebook is still too sensitive.

By the way, speaking of news feeds, these days it’s all about Facebook, and it seems that RSS readers are obsolete, and that gathering information from Facebook is now more mainstream.

However, the news feed of facebook is a delicate point, compared to twitter, it is still a bit similar to RSS reader, but still there is a time difference between posting to various media compared to direct RSS transmission.

This is because Facebook is often operated by simply posting RSS feeds to the wall using a suitable plug-in, or by having a person in charge who posts articles selected by that person each time.

Google Reader can still be used as a central player.

From the above, I found again that Google Reader is very useful in terms of breaking news.

確かに自由度が高すぎて扱いづらい点は多いのですが、高い意識をもって情報管理すればピンポイントで自分の関心ある話題をカスタマイズできるため、Google Reader(RSSリーダー)はニュースや解説記事といったボリュームある内容を直接的にいち早く捉えるには最も良い収集手段の一つであることに間違いないと思います。

Although Facebook and social graphs are becoming the mainstream in the Internet world these days, we still think that RSS readers are still of great value.
