
The iPhone SE is here, and it’s time to change your iPhone.
Today is the release day of the new iPhone SE. I booked it instantly at about 16:02 on 3/24 when the reservation started...

Scannable probably has image processing suitable for OCR use?
I'm sorry to hear that Evernote Market is going away. I used it for my bag, socks, business card holder... I loved it so...

2015 Israel & Morocco Trip Extra Edition – AppleWatch Opening Ceremony in Marrakech
In Marrakech, Morocco for some reason! Booked but left just before arrival As previously announced on this blog, I had p...

Breaking news: AppleWatch pre-order
本日16時過ぎに早速予約しました。The sports type. I went for the small one. Without any hesitation, I reserved it at my seat in the offi...

Apple Watch, I’m buying it.
March 9, there was an announcement about the rumored AppleWatch.I know this is out of the blue, but I'm buying it.The de...

I don’t organize my icons anymore because of Spotlight.
「control+スペース」です。For the past year or two, I've been extremely lazy about organizing the icons on my iPhone. I rarely or...

How I’ve been using DayOne lately English diary to keep my travel memories alive
DayOne is one of the applications that I can use very comfortably for Mac and iPhone users, and is one of the applicatio...

The Bloomberg iOS app’s automated voice reading feature is pretty awesome
I need to study English a bit urgently, and I may end up being a three-day monk again, but I'm doing my best anyway.I'm ...

BICSIM, IIJmio introduction, very comfortable, this time really goodbye Softbank!
I changed my MVNO yesterday, BIC SIM, IIJmio.BIC SIM(ビックシム)-ビックカメラ.com 既に使用していた「ワイヤレスゲートSIM」を解約、新規契約です。From an article p...

I bought a SIM free iPhone6. 2nd: PocketWiFi of Y!mobile continued, and also added a PHS contract!
「第二回目の概要」当初ワイヤレスゲートの10GBプランにしようと思ったが、それだけで心配なので、これまで長年利用しているワイモバイルのPocket WiFiの契約は維持することに。たまたま9月が更新月であったこともあり、ワイモバイルの契約見...

I bought a SIM free iPhone 6. 1st: MVNO debut at WIRELESS GATE

Back on Instagram for the first time in almost a year, and my retouching is evolving!
I've restarted Instagram. It's been about a year, right?Thumbnail view in twitter client is back.The reason I had stoppe...

Mailbox for Mac beta version released! Comfortable to use is still there!
先週、前々から楽しみにしていた「Mailbox for Mac beta版」がついにリリースされたという連絡が届きました。I think it was announced in April or so that there would be...

Google Now I’ve been using it a lot lately because it’s useful and fun!
最近よく使うiOSアプリはなにかと問われたら、「Gmail」「Chrome」「Tweetlogix」そして「Google」です。だいぶGoogle色強いけど。検索で使うというよりもGoogle Nowがとても便利だからです。Of cours...

Buy JetDrive Lite 130, but…
先日、TranendさんからリリースされたJetDrive LiteI can use this as a drive when i travel! I bought it as soon as I could.So small, so b...