I bought a SIM free iPhone6. 2nd: PocketWiFi of Y!mobile continued, and also added a PHS contract!

02.IT related
02.IT relatediPhonemobile


  1. 当初ワイヤレスゲートの10GBプランにしようと思ったが、それだけで心配なので、これまで長年利用しているワイモバイルのPocket WiFiの契約は維持することに。
  2. たまたま9月が更新月であったこともあり、ワイモバイルの契約見直しを一気に行うことができた。
  3. その結果、GL10Pを新規で購入。各種キャンペーン価格適用により、2年間で2,241円で利用可能となった。
  4. GP10は「海外データ1日定額」制度あり。ただし、ソフトバンクと比べると対象国、地域が少ない。
  5. これまで使っていたPocketWiFi GP04は、LTEプラン2年特割に契約変更することで、一切使わなければ月々0円となる。
  6. 通話はSkypeOutなどで十分だが、各種手続きのうえで携帯番号は持っておく必要があるため、新規で購入したGP10の副回線としてPHS契約を追加。副回線のため、基本使用料は無料。端末代については「だれとでも定額」プランにすることで月々1,008円で、10分以内ならば500回まで通話用無料。
  7. 結果、「12GBのモバイル通信量」、「通話」、「海外データ1日定額」込みを先2年:5,729円、3年目以降:7,478円で実現。


  1. メドックマラソン前日、ボルドーのホテルにてOnlineのAppleStoreからSIMフリーのiPhone6を予約。
  2. 時差の関係で予約が遅れたため、発送予定は10月の中旬とのことであったが、前倒しになり9月末に到着。
  3. ソフトバンクを解約予定。今後はMVNOを検討。当面はヨドバシのワイヤレスゲート5GBプランを選択。
  4. 数日間MVNOを試したが、概ね問題なく使えることが判明。
  5. MVNOのプランで音声込みを選ぶとデータ通信量が少なく割高になる恐れがあるため、基本データ通信のみ通話不可のプランを選ぶことにした。

The first article is here.

SIMフリーiPhone6買ったよ 第一回目:MVNOデビュー at WIRELESS GATE | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp http://www.yuu-koma.jp/?p=9271

I’m still worried about using only MVNO’s SIM, so I decided to continue Pocket WiFi.

I always have my MBP (MacBook Pro) in my bag, and I often browse the web on my MBP when I’m out and about, and I often upload photos for my blog.

So I’ve been using PocketWiFi for years, but I thought I’d take the opportunity to switch to iPhone, use a larger capacity 10GB/month SIM, and use iPhone tethering when working on the MBP when I’m out.

But unfortunately, this Wireless Gate SIM turns out to be very slow.

So, I decided to continue Pocket WiFi.

Y!mobile, good luck that September happened to be the renewal month of the contract!

I thought it would be a good opportunity to sort out my Y!mobile contract again, so I went to a Y!mobile shop in the city after work to ask for advice, and to my surprise, it turned out that this month (September 30) was the contract renewal month.

Do you prefer direct? Or do you prefer via so-net?

By the way, I went all the way to the store for the following reasons.

I have so-net as my home provider, but there is this option for so-net subscribers.

So-net モバイル EM | 高速モバイル | インターネット接続 | So-net http://www.so-net.ne.jp/access/mobile/em_lte/index.html

The current Pocket WiFi plan is about 3,990 yen per month. However, if you rent it from so-net, because you are a member of the connection course, it will cost you 2,976 yen (tax not included), well, about 3,300 yen per month including tax, which is cheaper than signing a contract with Y!mobile directly.

If it is cheaper than this so-net plan, I’ll continue my Y!mobile contract, otherwise I’ll cancel it.

An option for the uppity: a new GL10P contract just showed up!

I explained to the operator at the store what I had done so far. I asked him if I could get a cheaper deal than so-net’s plan, and if not, I would cancel my contract.

Then I got a surprise offer!

  1. まず今日(※2014年9月30日)までキャンペーンを行っている「GL10P」を購入して、新規に契約端末をひとつ増やし、これを代表端末とする
  2. GL10Pの契約形態は「にねん」月々6,696円(税込)だが、ずっとおトク割り2,704円(税込)が控除され、結果、月額3,990円(税込)となる。(※1円単位は切り捨てのようです。)
  3. 新規の「GL10P」は、この店舗(八重洲店)限定の在庫処分セールということで、端末代は0円でよいとのこと。つまり、月額の割賦払いは一切なし
  4. GL10Pの端末代は0円だが、普段は端末代負担に相当する1,750円の月額割引を2年間適用する
  5. 一方、既存のGP04のPocket WiFiのプランは、「LTEプラン(にねん特割)」に変更する。
  6. GP04に関する契約は、今後一切使わなければ0円、もちろん基本料金的なものもなし

Then what happens? This is what happens!

The picture is a little confusing.



I’m really glad I went to the store, even if it was by chance, because I always buy new devices online. I really thought that this kind of analog approach is important sometimes.

Solution for overseas packet flat-rate plans

I was a bit curious about this plan if I were to leave Softbank.

I travel abroad frequently, and now I have a SIM-free iPhone, and I’m sure I’ll rent mobile Wi-Fi, and I feel like it’s too late, but I still rely on it when I need it.

This plan is very useful when you have to go to a different country for transit reasons, and you can’t buy a prepaid SIM due to some trouble, or even if you can buy a prepaid SIM, you can’t activate it. If you assume that your rented mobile Wi-Fi is out of service, this plan is indispensable.


海外データ1日定額|国際ローミング(提供国・地域)|国際サービス|サービス|Y!mobile(ワイモバイル) http://www.ymobile.jp/service/global_roaming/area/data1day.html

This is a relief in case of emergency. It is the type that connects automatically if it is in the target country, so this is a little uneasy, but it saves time.

However, I’m worried that the number of countries covered is very small compared to Softbank’s time. If you look closely, you can’t find Spain, so you have to be careful…

New PHS contract to secure a means of calling, MNP has been stopped.

Well, now most of the problems have been solved, but there is one last problem left. As I explained in the first article, Wirelessgate SIM doesn’t have a calling function.


However, it is a loss if I don’t continue the contract of Softbank for the whole October (because the penalty of 10,260 yen of the two-year contract occurs), so I was planning to think about it again in October, but since I came to the shop, I decided to consult about this matter.

Actually, I did some research beforehand and discovered that Y!mobile’s PHS might be cheaper if you want to keep a mobile number for calling. Among them, the “Super Dare Tedemo Teikyu” and “Dare Tedemo Teikyu” plans are quite good.

ケータイプラン|料金|Y!mobile(ワイモバイル) http://www.ymobile.jp/plan/phone/index.html

In addition, I heard that PHS was only allowed 070 numbers until now, but from this October, 080 and 090 numbers will be allowed, so I thought that I might be able to use Y!mobile’s PHS with MNP from Softbank.

So, how about this? From my current contract, what would be the best deal? I decided to ask at this stage.

Then he gave me a very good solution to this as well.

  1. 今日契約するGL10Pを主回線にし、かつ同時にPHSを新規契約すると、このPHSを副回線にすることが可能、副回線の基本使用料は恒常的に0円となる。
  2. さらに「スーバーだれとでも契約」もしくは「だれとでも契約」オプションをつけると、月々1,008円のW-VALUE割引が3年間適用される。
  3. 月々1,008円、36回払いの端末代金の支払いは必要。ちょうど前述のW-VALUE割引で相殺される。
  4. しかし、上記プランは新規GL10P契約と同時に行う必要があるため、MNPは諦めることとなる。

First of all, I was lucky enough to have a “Dare to Demo Teikoku” plan which is not a Soo Bar plan. In short, with Suber, you can make any number of calls within 10 minutes for free, but with the regular Dare Tedemo Teikoku plan, the number of calls is limited to 500.

It’s not that I don’t make phone calls most of the time, but I do make a few calls when I’m meeting someone or making a reservation at a restaurant, for example, so this flat-rate plan is very attractive. However, if you think about the number of times you will call, there is no way you will call 500 times, so “Dare Demo Teikyu” will be enough.

As a result of my overall decision based on the above, I have decided that it would be better to discontinue the mobile phone number that I have been using with Softbank for many years and sign a contract for an additional PHS at the same time here and now.

So this is my first “Galaga” in about 5 years.

I wonder if I can use it (laughs)

By the way, the charge of the recent GALAKAY (well, PHS) is a micro USB cable, isn’t it? This is very helpful.

Summary: How much is your final monthly usage in total?

This is the second time I’ve written about a major change in my communication cost plan triggered by the purchase of a SIM-free iPhone 6.

The following is a summary of how much the monthly fee ended up being.


* Wireless Gate SIM: 2,480 yen

* Pocket WiFi GL10P: 2,241 yen

* PHS: 1,008 yen

* Total: 5,729 yen


* Wireless Gate SIM: 2,480 yen

* Pocket WiFi GL10P: 3,990 yen

* PHS: 1,008 yen

* Total: 7,478 yen


* Data traffic per month: 5GB+7GB

* Overseas Data One Day Flat-rate (Overseas Packet Flat-rate)

* Tottodemo Teikoku (Calling option, up to 500 calls per month of 10 minutes or less are free)

As for MVNO SIMs, there are no cancellation penalties or extra options, so you can quit at any time.


We are satisfied with the results, which are better than we had originally expected.

Now I think I can finally enter the SIM free iPhone life with peace of mind.

