02.IT related

02.IT related

I think Kindle is good for learning programming.

このところ日記更新が滞っているのは、ちょっとお勉強しているからです。前からずっとやろうと思ってたMySQLとPHP関連のお話を、いろいろなデータをいじって勉強しているところです。MySQL+PHP, because I don't know...
02.IT related

I think i’m gonna enjoy instagram 3.0 photomaps!

Just a few days ago, Instagram introduced a new major update, a location-based "photo map", and it looks really fun.Of c...
02.IT related

Upgraded to Dropbox Pro 100G, RICOH quanp cancelled

I upgraded to Dropbox Pro 100G.100GB is $9.99/month, which is less than $800 at the current rate.So, I decided to cancel...
02.IT related

Traveling on foursquare -2012 France and Spain

As I announced before my departure, I got badges for Paris, Barcelona, and Madrid.foursquare citiesを通して感じた”foursquareページ...
02.IT related

Embedding twitter seems to be easier New in WordPress 3.4.1

I saw the announcement of the update to WordPress 3.4.1.What I thought was particularly nice was the "twitter embedding"...
02.IT related

Gmail app update Notification Center support, that’s what it means.

02.IT related


ファンタジーxランナーズ (FANTASYxRUNNERS)$85Category: GamesUpdate: May 24, 2012Version: 1.1.2Size : 39.6 MBLanguages: Japanese, Chi...
02.IT related

Rental Server xserver

It seems that the trade name of the management company here changes though the mail arrived today and I knew it.Bette Co...
02.IT related

It seems that Global Data’s rental fees have become cheaper again.

It seems to become more and more easy to use.グローバルデータ|業界最大手の海外用モバイルデータ通信レンタルサービス | 料金プラン | カントリータイプ can use "480yen plan...
02.IT related

Google Earth on iOS can read kml now!

It's a pretty maniacal topic, so I'm sorry...Google Earth for iOS and iPhone, which I've been pretty absent from lately,...
02.IT related

Just 3 years of using WordPress and Twitter

March 2009, when I was busy preparing for the Tokyo Marathon, was a very important month in terms of shaping my lifestyl...
02.IT related

When I applied for the MiFI rental “Round Europe Plan”, I got a call… Thanks to Global Data for their great support!

How many times have I done this already?今年のGWのスペイン旅行でも、もちろん使わせていただきます。毎度おなじみの「グローバルデータ」さんのMiFiレンタル。Europe Tour Plan Appl...

I’m having trouble using Read it Later – Can it replace Reader2Twitter?

最近「Read it Later」を使い始めましたが、正直どう使っていこうか悩んでいます。Now that we have comfortable mobile WiFi, it doesn't matter much offline?On...
02.IT related

Picasa bug fiasco (solved today) It was a blow because it was useful for blog embedded images…

The Picasa bug fiasco has finally returned as of this evening. I was relieved because it was fixed sooner than I thought...
2012 Spain pre

“Google My Maps +” is a great navigation app!

グーグルマイマップ+ (by mymapplus.com)freeCategory: NavigationUpdate: 2012/01/24Version: 1.4.6Size : 15.7 MBLanguages: Japanese, ...