When I applied for the MiFI rental “Round Europe Plan”, I got a call… Thanks to Global Data for their great support!

02.IT relatedgadget

MiFi in France

How many times have I done this already?


Europe Tour Plan Application

It’s still a little early, but I had some time before the evening gathering yesterday, so I signed up for the MiFI Rental Europe Round Trip Plan.


This plan has already been introduced in this blog.

グローバルデータさん「ヨーロッパ周遊プラン」が登場、でももう少し早くでてほしかったかな… | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp http://www.yuu-koma.jp/?p=7610

Then, after a while, I received a call on my mobile phone which I rarely receive…. What a phone call from Global Data, the company I just applied for. Was there some kind of trouble?

Unexpected “two” rental cars

What kind of a confirmation call was that?

  • レンタル期間が2週間以上と長いと、通信料が多くなりデータ制限に引っかかる可能性があるということ
  • その場合は通信速度が制限されて、使用に支障が出る可能性があるということ

And well, I guess this is unavoidable… In the email that I received when I applied, it said


[11] Fair Usage Policy



And so it is.

So I thought it was a phone call to reconfirm such restrictions, but as expected from Global Data, it was not!

  • データ制限になるべくかからないようにするため、メインで使われる国専用のMiFiを追加でお貸しする
  • 結果的にMiFiレンタルは2台となるが、もちろん料金は通常のヨーロッパ周遊プランが適用される

Whew, that’s a finely tuned service!

I frequently use my PC to write blogs even when I am traveling, so I am personally very grateful for this godly support.

I think Global Data’s customer service is really polite and wonderful. I think that Global Data is really polite and wonderful.

“For your information.

新年度開始 早起き、そして待ってたmifiモバイルルーター | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp http://www.yuu-koma.jp/?p=3373

And while we’re at it, here’s a refresher

Now, there was actually one thing that I was very concerned about when I applied for the Europe Round Trip Plan.

I was wondering about this when I was writing the application form.

You can enter multiple destination countries like this, which is not a problem in itself, but if you look closely at the menu below it where you can choose your plan, you will see that

Secretly, at the very bottom.


Does this mean that I can’t use it unless I specify the country in advance? Does this mean that I can’t use it unless I specify the country I want to use it in advance? What if I suddenly change my mind and go to Germany or Italy?

Since you called me, I asked you honestly on this occasion.



I’m sorry. I knew it. (laughs) But I thought it was better to change the notation because this would be misunderstood.

