
Participated in Yokohama North Line Walk & Run and Fun Run, and tested SUNNYCAM SPORT EDITION while doing so.
It's March and the days are getting longer, but it's still cold.New Metropolitan Expressway opens in Kohoku-ku, Yokohama...

2015 Israel & Morocco Trip Extra Edition – AppleWatch Opening Ceremony in Marrakech
In Marrakech, Morocco for some reason! Booked but left just before arrival As previously announced on this blog, I had p...

Breaking news: AppleWatch pre-order
本日16時過ぎに早速予約しました。The sports type. I went for the small one. Without any hesitation, I reserved it at my seat in the offi...

ScanSnap iX100 I bought this on the spur of the moment. The hardware& iOS app is great, but too many apps to install on a Mac…
ついうっかりAmazonにて購入してました。FUJITSU ScanSnap iX100 Wi-Fi・バッテリー搭載スキャナ FI-IX100. I was so inspired by this article...無駄に海外旅行へSca...

Narrative Clip, a lifelogging camera, tested for marathon use
I finally tested a lifelogging camera called "Narrative Clip" the other day, which I ordered in March and received in mi...

Which is more economical, EMOBILE LTE Flat (Ninen) or 4G Data Plan (Ninen)?
The other Sunday, I was taking a nap because I didn't have any plans until the night, when suddenly I got a call from EM...

New drive recorder test
Investing in in-car footage when traveling, again this year (tears)Undeterred by the failure of last year's wearable cam...

I’ve settled on Evernote as my to-do reminder app.
This is also a new thing, but I've settled on Evernote for my to-do reminder system apps.Evernote リマインダー機能が Mac・iOS・Web ...

My Kindle Paperwhite 3G just arrived!
本日発売のKindle Paperwhite 3Gが早速届いていました!わーいわーい!So, here's the familiar opening ceremony.It's just after opening the package ...

Kindle Paperwhite 3G, I immediately bought it!
Following Apple's announcement of the iPad mini, Amazon has done it with perfect timing!The iPad mini, announced today, ...

LTE is coming to my house! PocketWiFi LTE
It's finally here...I've been curious about it since it came out, of course, but I think it was last week or so that I g...

It seems that Global Data’s rental fees have become cheaper again.
It seems to become more and more easy to use.グローバルデータ|業界最大手の海外用モバイルデータ通信レンタルサービス | 料金プラン | カントリータイプ can use "480yen plan...

When I applied for the MiFI rental “Round Europe Plan”, I got a call… Thanks to Global Data for their great support!
How many times have I done this already?今年のGWのスペイン旅行でも、もちろん使わせていただきます。毎度おなじみの「グローバルデータ」さんのMiFiレンタル。Europe Tour Plan Appl...

You can finally see traffic conditions on Google Maps!
This Saturday and Sunday. When I drove to Sendai, I used "Ima Koko Now" as a tool for navigation and sending information...

Buy Pocket WiFi (GP02) Maximum downlink speed is 42Mbps, it might be more comfortable than WiMAX!
It's been almost two years since the first Pocket WiFi was released. Mobile WIFi routers, which were groundbreaking at t...