以前、自身の投稿「iWork for iPhoneを使ってみました」において、iWork for iPhoneでDropboxが使えたら便利なのにーって書きましたが、その方法見つけました!
By the way, you saw the term “WebDAV” when this screen came up when saving a file.
I learned about this when I found the following article.
DropDAV” for WebDAV access to Dropbox | Blog.IKUBON.com
DropboxにWebDAVでアクセスできる「DropDAV」DropDAVを利用すると、Dropboxのアプリを使わずに直接ファイルにアクセスできるので、Dropboxの可能性がまた少し広がるのではないでしょうか。 » DropDAV - access your Dropbox via the WebDAV standard  ...Using Dropbox as a WebDAV Server with DropDAV | Lifehacking.com
Open Pages on your iPhone and press the “+” button in the upper left corner to display the screen on the left side below, then select “WebDAV”. Then it becomes a screen of the right side, and input “https://dav.dropdav.com/” in the place of the server address, and put the user name and the password that I made on DropDAV a while ago, and sign in.
That’s all there is to it. Once you’ve signed in without any problems, you’ll see your Dropbox folders appear as you can see. All you have to do is open each iWork file.