iBooks I just realized I’m in the cloud now.


I’m writing this diary because I thought iBooks was great again.

I’m not a big reader to begin with, and I don’t buy or carry around books because I basically live a paperless life, but lately I’ve become a bit addicted to e-books.

Was it iOS3, was it iOS4? I forget, but iBooks has been around for a long time now. I’ve been paying attention to it lately because I think it’s actually very useful.

電子書籍を活用し始めたのはなにも今ではなく、過去に「もしドラ iPhone電子書籍」なんて日記にも書いているとおり、ごくごくたまに使っていたりしました。最近では「FREE」をずっと読んでいましたし。(これ、大変ボリュームがあっておもしろかったです。)

However, I only have time to read it when I’m commuting and the train is running underground. That’s why it took me a long time to read that free book, but I finished it the other day, so I opened iBooks as if I was remembering it again.


So I’ve been reading it a little bit on the train since about this Monday.

This book is in epub format, which you can download for a fee and load that file in iBooks.


And I just realized that these iBooks are “cloud-based”!

I’ve only been opening it on my iPhone for a while now, but I just opened it on my iPad, and lo and behold, the book that I thought I’d only ever had on my iPhone was there, and not only that, but the page that was interrupted on my iPhone suddenly It opened!

You’re not online, are you? Is it “clouded”? So, I tried to make bookmarks on my iPad.

I opened it on my iPhone, and before I knew it, it had been synced and my bookmarks were reflected properly!

Great epub format, great iBooks!

Of course, iBooks can be used offline. And when you’re online, it’s automatically in sync with whatever device you’re using.

I think it’s the best size for reading e-books, so I feel that through this iBooks, the value of new use has increased again.

そうそう来月にはOS X Liionやこの秋にリリース予定のiOS5、iCloudなどMacのクラウドも本格化してきますから、ますます利用の場が増える気がして楽しくて仕方がないです。

