I also bought a MacBook Air!


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先日「Mac OS X Lion 10.7」のレビューを書いたときにも触れたのですが、この7月でた新型MacBook Airがようやく昨日我が家に届きました。

The position with iPad is thought to be difficult, and it is this Air which was esteemed because it is difficult how to think of the specification, but the idea changed completely by the appearance of Lion.

For the record, I purchased an 11-inch MacBook Air with 128GB of storage and a customized configuration option that included a 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 and an upgrade to 4GB of memory.

Now, as usual, let’s open the package! The 11 inch is indeed small and surprising. I have a lot to say about it, but I wasn’t home when it arrived, and because it’s so small, it was put in the delivery box…

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The difference is about the size, and the composition of the content feels not so different from MacBook Pro. But there is no CD-ROM of OS and application.

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Well now, I start immediately. Lion has already been installed, and I decided to migrate the user setting and application of MBP as it is. Because it is already the third Mac, I am familiar with the use of “Migration Assistant”. There was a little trouble, but migration was completed in about two hours.

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So I was a little annoyed that it took a long time to migrate for a small amount of data, but I completed the setup without any major trouble.

I haven’t touched it that much yet, but it’s light, and what’s more, it starts up fast. This is an astonishing level! Apps are also running more crisply than expected so far. Anyway, the lightness is really easy to carry around. I think I’ll be able to enjoy my internet life on the go again.

But still…, Apple products all over the place.

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