Mailbox is super useful, but I guess you don’t actually know how good it is unless you’ve been using archives & filters in Gmail.

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It’s been a while since we’ve had a heavy use app, or maybe we already have, but I have a feeling we’re in for a treat.


It seems to have been made available to everyone a few days ago, so I gave it a try and what a user-friendly experience it is.

Dropboxの新発想メールアプリ Mailbox が行列解消、すぐに利用できます – Engadget Japanese

For more information on how to use it, please refer to the website above and this video.

Meet Mailbox from Mailbox on Vimeo.

What’s good -> Strongest point for Gmail integration & archiving.


The integration with Gmail is also smooth.



We believe that it is immensely powerful in cases such as

At first I thought it would be a basic “read only” email app, but it’s not just that.

