New homepage by Movable Type!

what's new

この度、すべてのページ構成をMT(Movable Type)で作成したホームページを立ち上げました。まだ、mixiの日記などを通して知人等にしかアナウンスはしていないのですが、いずれはもう少し幅広い方に見てもらえるよう、さまざまな工夫をしていきたいです。

I used to write html by myself, but there is a limit, so from now on, I wanted to make a top page with an improved blog format that reflects the update status sequentially. I finally came to the realization.

Especially from now on, I would like to increase my interaction through the online world more and more. In other words, I would like to use this page to actively seek new encounters. I want to make the most of the experience and knowledge I have acquired so far, as well as my many travel records, to strengthen my own “marketing”.

Here are some of the pages you can currently see, although many are still incomplete

  1. home
  2. about me
  3. google earth
  4. photo
  5. voyage

そして、Google AdSenseAmazonアソシエイトもはじめました。もちろん将来的にちょっとしたお小遣いが稼げるならうれしい限りですが、それよりもむしろ自分のページのキーワードをどう拾って、どういう広告が掲載されていくのを確認することが、より楽しいなあと思っています。ちょっと一部レイアウト変更がうまくいかず、ぎこちなくはなっていますけれども。

In addition, I’m thinking of putting more effort into video as well as photography in the future. So I bought a new PC because I think I need a PC with some specs. I’m buying a customized desktop PC from Dell. I think it will arrive next week or so. I will report about this separately.
