The Picasa bug fiasco has finally returned as of this evening. I was relieved because it was fixed sooner than I thought, but it might have been more stressful than I thought because I was a bit sick both physically and mentally.
Well, yesterday I accessed Picasa to write a blog as usual, and to my surprise, the part that creates the code for embedding was not displayed anymore.
Specifically, for example, when you open a certain photo, the
It’s the one that appears in the bottom part of the photo information on the right.
Without it, I honestly can’t help you…. I don’t know if I should just wait it out for a while, but I don’t want to wait until it’s fixed… It was a very complicated feeling.
But that’s not a fundamental solution at all, and even though I don’t use Google+ that much to begin with, I don’t want to cancel (cancel?) it. I don’t want to cancel (cancel?) Google+, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see…
I had given up, but when I suddenly accessed Picasa again in the evening, the relevant function had returned.
It may have been that the number of posts on the forum increased little by little and the people in the middle of the forum took action as soon as possible, but in any case, the quick recovery was very helpful.
Use for embedding images in blogs
For me, these online photo storage services are absolutely indispensable for blogging.
Of course, you can upload them to the server where WordPress is installed, but if you decide to migrate your blog for ease of embedding or some other reason, you don’t have to migrate the photo data specifically, and you don’t have to change the reference URL of the images.
In fact, when I migrated my blog several times including migration from another company’s service and migration from Movable Type to WordPress, I had a very hard time migrating photos.
It’s not enough to simply change the file upload location. You also have to change the reference in the text. Nowadays, you may think of a way to embed images including path management, but it is still troublesome. Also, it is troublesome to specify the image size.
In that respect, using an external service eliminates all the hassle in this area.