I started using “reminDO” to strengthen my French and vocabulary!

Language study
Language study

Can it be an effective tool for French language, memorization and preparation for the French exam?

Memorization using the forgetting curve

I found this app on the internet a few days ago. It is amazingly good.



Syncs in the cloud, easy to use!

The data is stored in the cloud, hence you can use it from the app on your phone and from your PC in the browser. It is very easy to use from either.

After you’ve registered a word or a sentence, the contents of each registration will be displayed like this, just like a word card. Then, there are words to be displayed (the question text) and words to be hidden (the answer), and each time you tap on a word or sentence, the display or non-display is switched.

Reviewing and repetition learning is also a breeze!

In addition, each of them has three buttons: “OK (for now)”, “Learned”, and “Learn Again”, which you can press as needed to manage your progress. Depending on how much you press these buttons, your status will change, and you’ll automatically be sorted into one of three lists: “Today”, “Learning”, or “Complete”.

The entries in the “Learning” section will then be randomized in alerts and reappear in the “Today” list according to your own timing.

Will it be the savior of vocabulary building?

It’s a surprisingly simple app, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it before. Sure, there have been a few apps like Wordbook, but there weren’t many that worked with the cloud or were crisp and usable.

So, this reminDO, I feel like I finally have a savior. I think it will be very useful for my French exam which I will take in autumn.

