09. Sports The 10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba, Part 4 (Final): Chinese, not Sweets 長くなりましたが、これで最後。といってもおまけ程度の内容。The launch. I was sweating so much in the beautiful weather that I wanted something salty!W... 2012.11.01 09. Sportsrunning
09. Sports The 10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba Part 3: The race is about to start! Oops, I know it's been a while, but I have to write.(what's going on so far)全国スイーツマラソンin千葉 リレーマラソンに出場します | my lifelog yu... 2012.10.30 09. Sportsrunning
09. Sports The 10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba Part 2: The day of the marathon and how it started It's been a bit of a while since I've done this, but here's a quick recap of the 10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba,... 2012.10.28 09. Sportsrunning
09. Sports The 10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba Part 1: Results and Times Last Sunday, I participated in the relay marathon section of the "10th National Sweets Marathon in Chiba" with a total o... 2012.10.25 09. Sportsrunning
2012 Spain and France May 10, on the way from Orargues to Minerve, that birthday celebration! – Tour of the most beautiful villages in France 2012 Extra Part 2 少々内輪ネタで恐縮なのですが…。This is what happened on May 10, the last day of the 2012 tour of France's most beautiful villages.There... 2012.08.07 2012 Spain and FranceThe most beautiful villages of France
05. Music I participated in a one-day production of Gijin Oke #gijin325oke I participated in a reckless project to combine Schumann's and Brahms' 2nd symphonies, respectively, in just one day.You... 2012.03.26 05. Musicorchestra
uncategorized Shirako Festival at Sushi Restaurant Daisho with Grain Oke members 音楽好き、そして美味しい物お酒好きな、そんな仲良し10数人で大井町の「すし処 さいしょ」さんへ。The event was so popular that we had to split it into two sessions. Toda... 2012.03.09 uncategorized
05. Music Grainy bean paste! Performances and future I'm a little late to write this, but last weekend, the ensemble concert by the volunteers of the orchestra, which was bo... 2012.01.21 05. Music
09. Sports I went to the super mamachari grand prix! 以前予告しましたように「スーパーママチャリグランプリ(第5回 ママチャリ日本グランプリ)」に出場してきました。We arrived at the venue after 10pm the day before. However, the s... 2012.01.09 09. Sportscycling
09. Sports Announcement] I’m going to participate in Super Mom-chari Grand Prix! At the foot of Mt. Fuji, where the cold wind blows in the middle of winter. ・・・・Japan's 2012 begins with a mamachari!Wor... 2011.12.27 09. Sportscycling
05. Music We’ll do it again: Grain An! January 15, 2012 Ensemble Concert by Grain Orchestra Members We casually advertised that the leaflets were ready. 八王子市芸術文化会館 いちょうホール(小ホール) 13 minutes walk from JR Hachioji Station N... 2011.12.25 05. Musicorchestra
05. Music Dominant Chamber Orchestra Christmas Concert Christmas concert, but that was last week.I went to listen to it because many of my friends and students I met at the gr... 2011.12.25 05. Musicorchestra
uncategorized Off Sendai Part 3: Sightseeing It's been a while since I've seen you, but I'd like to tell you about my trip to Sendai last week.The last part is sight... 2011.12.24 uncategorized
uncategorized Off Sendai Part 2: Dinner Here's the second part of my trip to Sendai last weekend.Yes, of course, we did enjoy our meal! Let me introduce them in... 2011.12.15 uncategorized
05. Music Off to Sendai Part 1: I went to the concert of the Sendai New Philharmonic Orchestra! This weekend, I went to Sendai by car. It was a long drive after a long time and it was a very exciting trip.So, I'm goi... 2011.12.14 05. Musicorchestra