

Get a little more out of your iPad at home with the "Type2Phone".

さてさてiPad活用強化週間。The biggest drawback of the iPad is still typing.I bought a wireless keyboard before, but it's a hassle t...

As for iCloud, when I access, open iPhoto, and open iWork(iOS), I understand the goodness somehow.

It's been a little over two weeks since iOS5 was released. I think that the highlight of this iOS5 is definitely "iCloud...
02.IT related

Google Maps not working when logged in with certain accounts? -I tried using the Google Help Forum.

一昨日くらいからでしょうか、突然Googleマップが動かなくなってしまったんです。Is it an OS problem, a browser problem, or a PC problem?In case of me, with WIn...
02.IT related

Are the number of Mac users increasing? -What we can learn from access analysis No.1-

I've been wanting to write about access analysis for a while now. Needless to say, this blog is just my personal diary g...

I also bought a MacBook Air!

先日「Mac OS X Lion 10.7」のレビューを書いたときにも触れたのですが、この7月でた新型MacBook Airがようやく昨日我が家に届きました。The position with iPad is thought to be d...

Free iMac 1TB Seagate hard drive replacement? But we’ll see.

昨日このようなニュースが流れました。 iMac 1TB Seagate ハードドライブ交換プログラムA small percentage of Seagate 1TB hard drives in 21.5-inch and 27-inch...

TapStream is funny, awesome!

What is it about July 20, 2011? Too many interesting things are being announced.Now, it's been a while since we took for...

Yay, Mac OS X Lion 10.7 is here! It’s even better than I expected!

Long-awaited Lion appearanceThe long-awaited release of the new OS on July 20. Well, before you know it, Mac devotees, i...

Jing I’ve added screenshot & capture making software.


I also increased the memory of MacBook Pro (8GB)

先日、iMac メモリを16GBにしてみましたが、それに引き続きMacBook Proのほうも簡単にメモリ増設できるとのことでしたので、早速やってみました。Simply remove the aluminum lid on the back...

I set the iMac memory to 16GB.

I've added more memory to the system. Up to 16GB at once!I read the magazine and knew that iMac can easily extend only m...

"flickery" I’ve included the Mac App client app.

It's a Mac story every day, but this time I installed a flickr client. By the way, I forgot about it, but it seems to ex...

"ecto": I installed a blog editor for Mac.

Macにして大きく変わったことのひとつはPCクライアントを多用するようになったことです。There is Evernote for Windows, and it doesn't change the usability that much...

I used DropDAV to turn Dropbox into a WebDAV server.

以前、自身の投稿「iWork for iPhoneを使ってみました」において、iWork for iPhoneでDropboxが使えたら便利なのにーって書きましたが、その方法見つけました!あんまり詳しくはわからないのですが、「DropDAV...

I tried to use iWork for iPhone.

※Keynote for iPhoneで作成した資料。この日記の概要を簡単に説明したものです。As part of this year's major theme of getting used to the Mac, I've been ...