Celebrating World Heritage recognition! Tomioka Silk Mill I was there in March 2014.


I know this is a bit of a hot topic, but congrats on your World Heritage status!

> 富岡製糸場と絹産業遺産群 – Wikipedia

I remembered that I had visited there in March; it was my second visit, but I still enjoyed it.

There are various restaurants with a good atmosphere nearby, so it is worth a visit.

You did it, Otomi!

I also updated my list of World Heritage Sites to visit.

訪問世界遺産 | my lifelog yuu-koma.jp http://www.yuu-koma.jp/?page_id=1336

The total number of visited states in the world is 162. Even so, there are 981 in total, though it is impossible to visit them all (laughs).
