引き続きGoogle Analyticsによる当ブログの分析を。
(前回の記事:Macユーザーは増えてる? -アクセス解析からいろいろわかること No.1-)
The second one is the number of accesses by page, which is easy to understand intuitively. I made statistics in order of the number of accesses.
Let’s also look at dwell time. As the name suggests, the longer you stay on a page, the more time you spend on it.
It depends on the article, but basically, the slower you look at it, the more interested you will be.
「europe driving」の固定ページをじっくりご覧いただけているのは嬉しい限り。
And the bounce rate. This one is simple: the lower it is, the more interested you are in staying on this site.
The bounce rate of the “top page” is about 50%, so it should be enough.
そして一番嬉しいのはなんといっても「beaux villages」の固定ページの直帰率が32%と非常に低い水準だということです。この2年間で一番力を入れているコンテンツですからね。
And I think I’ll continue to write about access analysis with study like this.