I finally tested a lifelogging camera called “Narrative Clip” the other day, which I ordered in March and received in mid-May.
Narrative Clip – a wearable, automatic lifelogging camera http://getnarrative.com/
Both the box and the instruction manual are stylishly designed.
I think the following article is the most detailed article, so please see here.
30秒ごとに自動的に撮影を行って日常を記録してくれるライフログカメラ「Narrative Clip」を使ってみました – GIGAZINE http://gigazine.net/news/20140224-narrative-clip/
No need for me to write it again (laughs).
So, the purpose of buying this is exactly ,
I also think it would be good for taking a log of my travels.
Although the weather was good, the sensitivity was good. The colors are not bad, and the image quality is good enough for 5 megapixels. Blur is also not a problem.
Of course, depending on the timing of the shot, it could look like this.
But this is a lot of fun.
I also think it’s interesting because it’s surprisingly hard to take this kind of photo intentionally.
I have no problem with the fit. It’s not that I forget I’m wearing it, but it’s hardly noticeable. It is not a hindrance at all.
I can use this for the Medoc Marathon without any problem.