

Using Flickr

I went on my first trip to Europe in 3 years this summer. And I took a lot of pictures. Where should I store them? Usual...

Back on Instagram for the first time in almost a year, and my retouching is evolving!

I've restarted Instagram. It's been about a year, right?Thumbnail view in twitter client is back.The reason I had stoppe...
04. Video-Related

It seems to have become possible to do RAW development on the EOS 7D itself.

Is it too late? The other day, I updated the firmware of EOS 7D for the first time in a long time, and I noticed somethi...

I almost forgot IFTTT was doing a great job on instagram!

I was organizing my Dropbox the other day and discovered once again that I had created these folders.忘れかけてたIFTTTを使って、ins...
04. Video-Related

I tried to make a calendar with iPhoto and it was better than I expected.

I made a little trial calendar in iPhoto the other day, and it turned out better than I expected!It's in a container lik...
02.IT related

I think i’m gonna enjoy instagram 3.0 photomaps!

Just a few days ago, Instagram introduced a new major update, a location-based "photo map", and it looks really fun.Of c...
2012 Spain and France

A photo of a city in northwestern Spain that’s kind of illustrative.

I didn't take this picture with any particular intention, and I didn't Photoshop it, but it really looks like an illustr...
04. Video-Related

Pancake Lens: Canon EF40mm f/2.8 STM [EF4028STM] Purchased

先月新発売された「Canon EF40mm F2.8 STM 」を購入しました。Canon EF40mm F2.8 STM I love that it's tiny and light!It might be easier to carr...
04. Video-Related

I’ve had my DSLR for 6 years now.

Mirrorless cameras are becoming more and more popular, but even so, I still like single-lens cameras.I don't have the sk...

One-day trip to Kyoto

I wonder when was the last time I walked around Kyoto for sightseeing purposes like this...On November 3, I went to Kyot...

"flickery" I’ve included the Mac App client app.

It's a Mac story every day, but this time I installed a flickr client. By the way, I forgot about it, but it seems to ex...

“SlideMyPics” HTML5 slideshow creation site

こちらのサイト「SlideMyPics」: is a great HTML5 slideshow creation site for iOS users. I've always thought it would be nice if fl...

Buy SIGMA 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS

It's been a while since I've pulled out my SLR. That's because I bought this lens last weekend.シグマ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC ...


このblog、久しぶりに外出先のファミレスで書いてます。さてさて、昨日からtwitter経由でやたらとこちらのposterousに写真アップしてますけど、今更ながらなんとなく思いつきでiPhoneのフォトレタッチアプリを入れてみました。 い...

iOS 4.1アップデート、HDR写真さっそくテスト

昨日からiOS 4.1アップデート始まりましたね。いろいろと改善点があるようですが、なんといっても一番の目玉はやはり「ハイダイナミックレンジ(HDR)写真機能」だと思います。 と、このように設定における写真、写真撮影時中央上にHDRオンオフ...