Scannable probably has image processing suitable for OCR use?


I’m sorry to hear that Evernote Market is going away. I used it for my bag, socks, business card holder… I loved it so much. I was worried about the profitability of Evernote Market, but it seems to have been unprofitable as expected.



An app that just takes a photo and scans it. OCR is equipped only for business cards (Japanese is OK), but other than that, OCR is basically not effective.

Except for business cards, the rest are saved as images or pdfs. However, I think that the image layer processing is good, and once the pdf is scanned by Scannable and analyzed by another OCR software, it recognizes the text with very good accuracy. Perhaps the contrast is well adjusted.

僕は[highlight]Adobe AcrobatのOCR機能を利用[/highlight]してみました。(他に無いからです。CS6時代の名残で使えます。)青いハイライトの部分がテキスト読み取りができた箇所。ほぼ網羅しているのではないでしょうか。

The images are mosaicked for copyright reasons.

If you copy that text, you can get text data like this.

Forteresse perchée sur une falaise surplombant les gorges les I’ Ardeche (mais encore dans le departement du Gard !) , Aigueze protege son patrimoine medieval, cultive Ia vigne et entretient Ia bonne humeur conviviale de ses habitants. Comme tout stte de defense strategtque, Aigueze a connu un passe tumultueux. Oe 725 a 737, ce sont les sarrasins qut occupent Ia reg ton; lls laissent leur nom a l’une des tours du vlllage. La fortiftcatlon du St te datequantaeile du xfS. : …

If you have read this far, it should be enough.

