uncategorized I received this email from Apple The other day, right after I installed "Adobe Photoshop Touch" on my new iPad, I received this email.Dear **************... 2012.03.18 uncategorized
Apple Buy the “new” iPad! I immediately purchased the iPad, which was released simultaneously worldwide today. For now, I'd like to report.Nothing... 2012.03.16 AppleiPad
Mac Of course, Mac OS also has a dictionary function. Once I started using it, it was really useful. 存在はなんとなく知っていたのですが、ほとんと使ったことのなかった「Mac OSの辞書機能」。I've mentioned that I've been reading a lot of English articles lately, an... 2012.02.19 Mac
Apple What I felt in the news related to Mountain Lion – The speed of direct information gathering by RSS, which is different from twitter Appleの新OSのニュース、話題になりましたね。って盛り上がってるのはごくごく一部な人たちですけど。Apple - OS X Mountain Lion. Even more innovation comes to the Mac. ha... 2012.02.19 AppleessayMac
Apple Almost 3 years iPhone – The decision was based on whether or not I could use Skype It was just three years ago in February that I got an iPhone. It will soon be 4 years old.The changes over the past thre... 2012.02.14 AppleiPhone
Mac Recently Installed Mac App -FreeMemory Pro and TotalFinder 書くネタがあまりないので、まあ厳密言いうとあるのですがタイミングの関係でもう少し後日にリリースしようかなと思っていまして、とかそんな話はいいや。I'd like to talk about a Mac App I recently inst... 2012.02.01 Mac
Apple As for iCloud, when I access icloud.com, open iPhoto, and open iWork(iOS), I understand the goodness somehow. It's been a little over two weeks since iOS5 was released. I think that the highlight of this iOS5 is definitely "iCloud... 2011.10.25 AppleMac
Apple I also bought a MacBook Air! 先日「Mac OS X Lion 10.7」のレビューを書いたときにも触れたのですが、この7月でた新型MacBook Airがようやく昨日我が家に届きました。The position with iPad is thought to be d... 2011.07.29 AppleMac
Apple Free iMac 1TB Seagate hard drive replacement? But we’ll see. 昨日このようなニュースが流れました。 iMac 1TB Seagate ハードドライブ交換プログラムA small percentage of Seagate 1TB hard drives in 21.5-inch and 27-inch... 2011.07.26 AppleMac
Apple TapStream is funny, awesome! What is it about July 20, 2011? Too many interesting things are being announced.Now, it's been a while since we took for... 2011.07.24 AppleiPadiPhoneMac
Apple Yay, Mac OS X Lion 10.7 is here! It’s even better than I expected! Long-awaited Lion appearanceThe long-awaited release of the new OS on July 20. Well, before you know it, Mac devotees, i... 2011.07.22 AppleMacPC
Apple There is a reason why I bought the iPad2 Wi-Fi + 3G by now. Yes, I bought it. It arrived in about 10 days after I reserved it. Again? But I have a good reason.Background of Purchas... 2011.06.23 AppleiPad
Apple I also increased the memory of MacBook Pro (8GB) 先日、iMac メモリを16GBにしてみましたが、それに引き続きMacBook Proのほうも簡単にメモリ増設できるとのことでしたので、早速やってみました。Simply remove the aluminum lid on the back... 2011.06.22 AppleMac
Apple I set the iMac memory to 16GB. I've added more memory to the system. Up to 16GB at once!I read the magazine and knew that iMac can easily extend only m... 2011.06.17 AppleMac
Apple "flickery" I’ve included the Mac App client app. It's a Mac story every day, but this time I installed a flickr client. By the way, I forgot about it, but it seems to ex... 2011.06.16 AppleFlickrMacphoto