Car rental

July 2016 France Impressionism and the journey of gourmet

July 2016 France “Impressionism and Gourmet Trip” Chapter 1-1: Normandy Sightseeing and Impressionism Festival

July 15, 2016, about 6 a.m., weather: sunnyThis time, I'm going to Paris by Air France direct flight.This time, I flew t...
201405 Italy

The traffic violation notice from the end of April last year arrives from Italy now.

先日、ポストを見ると「ITALY様」からお手紙が届いているとの不在通知票がありました。I have a bad feeling about this. Another traffic ticket? Speeding? I fearfull...
201405 Italy

I heard he had a traffic ticket in Italy.

There was a letter in the post today, sent from an Italian car rental company. I wondered what it was, if it was that? S...
201405 Italy

My DER application just went through!

Yay! The DER (Damage Excess Refund) for that I applied for about 3 weeks ago has been approved.レンタカー修理費請求...

"rentalstars customer! Looks like you’ve become a "

The other day I posted an article:.レンタカー修理費請求到着 rentalcars.comのDER申請はできるのか? | my lifelog の経緯がどうなったのかを知りたかったの...
201405 Italy

Rental Car Repair Claim Arrival Can I file a DER claim with

It's a claim that has finally, and I mean finally, arrived. It was delivered yesterday.I've been renting cars in Europe ...
2012 Spain and France

Easy payment! I got a traffic ticket at France part 2-2012 France and Spain

さてさて、昨日届いたフランスの交通違反の件ですが、スペインとは大違いでもう罰金支払い完了しました。First, go to this site↓ is a proper English version! This is very helpf...
2012 Spain and France

I got a traffic ticket at France Part 1-2012 France and Spain

Oops, I wrote a diary with a similar title before...When I got back from my trip to Greece, I sorted through the mailbox...
2012 Spain and France

I got a traffic ticket at Spain Part 1 – 2012 France and Spain

昨日帰宅したときにポストを見ると、なにやら外国からの手紙が…。It seems to be from Spain. It's some kind of unfamiliar envelope."I had a bad feeling abo...
2012 Spain and France

Travel Troubles #3: A herd of cows in the middle of the road -2012 France and Spain

美しい村巡りは、基本的に田舎をドライブすることが多いため、放牧している牛や馬と遭遇することはよくあるのですが…。道路に大量に牛とかはめったにない!!!I mean, is this your first time?It happened o...
2012 Spain and France

Travel trouble #2: A stone hit the windshield and cracked it while driving on the highway -2012 France and Spain

It wasn't a big deal, but it was definitely the biggest problem this time.It happened on the highway on the way from San...
2012 Spain and France

Car rental, this time in Paris and Barcelona Sants station -2012 France and Spain

I rented a car twice on this trip. The company is Europcar, which I am familiar with every time.We stayed in Barcelona f...

4travel旅行記 久しぶりに更新しました

4travel旅行記を久しぶりに更新しました。夜のロンドンを散歩:ダラム 2009 England:旅行好きな方にはおなじみ、かなり前から存在を知っていたもののこれといって自分から情報を提供するなど行っていなかったのです...
2009 Central EURO

No.10 Eisenstadt, Sopron and Koszeg: 2009 Central EURO

現在地情報 Helendより大きな地図で 2009 Central EURO 訪問予定地 を表示Google Earth で確認する function openPopup(url){ var mywin = open(url, "win1"...

