google map

02.IT related

Applying the traveling salesman problem to create the best route Part 1 – Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages 2014

02.IT related

Use “Mapping Sheets” add-on for Google Docs as soon as possible

Google App Script is really useful, and Google Docs is getting more and more use in my private life.We've just added a n...

New Google Maps Embed API released, try it out now!

I was idly browsing my RSS reader and came across this article.“新しい Google Maps Embed API が公開” did it as soon as I could...
02.IT related

Google Maps Engine, the integration with Google Maps app on iPhone was simplified.

以前ご紹介したGoogle Maps Engineを開くことができるiOSアプリ「MapsEngine Viewer」、アップデートしてiPhoneのGoogle Mapアプリとの連携がシンプルになっていました。Google Maps En...

How to open the location registered in Google Maps Engine in Google Maps app on iPhone

Now, let's continue where we left off last time.イタリアの最も美しい村は全部で230箇所!すべてGoogle Maps Engineに登録してみた | my lifelog yuu-koma....
201405 Italy

There are 230 of the most beautiful villages in Italy! I’ve registered them all on Google Maps Engine.

I counted properly the "Most Beautiful Villages of Italy".なんとその数230箇所!Creating a beautiful village list in a spreadsheet...
2013 for France

Preparing for a trip Google Map iOS, Favorites sync is really useful!

Well, it's Golden Week from tomorrow, and my departure will be a little later, but I'm planning to do a lot of preparati...

MySQL+PHP+Google Map API, Google Script to create a map of “The most beautiful villages in France

I made a map of the "Most Beautiful Villages in France" that I have visited so far.フランスの最も美しい村巡りMAP yuu-koma the right s...

The long-awaited Google Maps for iOS has a navigation feature! I tried it out right away.

The long awaited Google Maps for iOS has finally been released today. It's become a huge topic of conversation around he...

Now there’s html5! This will be the iOS Map for a while!

iOS6の地図ははじめこそネタとして面白かったもののやっぱりイライラ感が募る今日この頃。Every map-based app has sounded that map....It was getting more serious by t...
02.IT related

You can finally see traffic conditions on Google Maps!

This Saturday and Sunday. When I drove to Sendai, I used "Ima Koko Now" as a tool for navigation and sending information...

The iPhone and iPad apps for “tripline” are now available.

以前日記こちらの日記で紹介した"tripline"、”tripline” Google Map を利用したカンタン旅ログ作成 iPhone and iPad apps were released yesterday. Tripline fo...

Static Maps API って前からあったんだね… 早速遊んでみる

Static Maps API、Google Readerに登録しているこちらのBlogで知りました。Google Geo Developers Blog:"Styled Static Maps Launches" なんだよー、もっと早く気...
2010 Russia

位置情報アプリの活用その1:Google Latitude - 2010 Russia No.4 –


”tripline” Google Map を利用したカンタン旅ログ作成

ちょっとマニアックなんだけど、私Google Geo Developers BlogというものをGoogle Readerに登録しておりますが、本日、久しぶりに面白い記事を見つけました。Google Geo Developers Blog:...