April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No. 8 – Alcobaça Monastery Date and time of visit: April 28, 2017, approximately 11 a.m. After Battaglia Monastery, we headed to Alcobaça Monastery... 2017.08.10 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No. 7 – Batalha Monastery Date of visit: 27 April 2017 overnight, 28 April 2017 morning The journey continues from western Spain to Portugal, head... 2017.08.05 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage Sites No. 6 – University of Coimbra – Alta and Sofia Date and time of visit: April 27, 2017, around 10 a.m. This is my fourth day entering the country from the northeast of ... 2017.08.02 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage Site No. 5 – Alto Douro Wine Region Date and time of visit: April 27, 2017, approximately 2:00 p.m.Due to my trip to the Walloon region of Belgium in July, ... 2017.07.29 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No.4 – Historic Centre of Porto Part 2 Date of visit: April 24-26, 2017Last time, I just reported that I arrived! This time, I'll write about sightseeing.Break... 2017.07.08 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No.3 – Historic Centre of Porto Part 1 Date of visit: April 24-26, 2017, 3 days and 2 nightsI'm behind on updates these days. I have to work hard.The biggest p... 2017.07.04 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 Travel to Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage No. 2 – Historic Centre of Guimarães Visit Date: April 24, 2017, 11:00 a.m.The second World Heritage Site on this trip was the ancient city of Guimarães, loc... 2017.06.26 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 – Western Spain and Portugal Part 3: World Heritage Site No. 1 – Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Coa Valley and Ciega Verde The title is long, but the next part of my 2017 Golden Week travelogue record and "Spain's Most Beautiful Villages" seri... 2017.06.17 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey Part I: Electronic guidebooks, very useful to use the Globe-Trotter Kindle Edition April 2017, Western Spain and Portugal. 地球の歩き方 A23 ポルトガル 2016-2017 【分冊】 1 リスボンとコスタ・デ・リスボア ポルトガル分冊版よりIn the first place, there are no Japanese guidebooks that ca... 2017.05.19 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey Part I: google maps timeline feature April 2017 trip to western Spain and Portugal Googleマップがヨーロッパドライブには欠かせないアプリとなって久しいです。The navigation system is the most essential item for driving in Europe, not to me... 2017.05.19 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey Part I: How Spain and Portugal’s motorways work, registering for EASYTOLL April 2017 Travel in Western Spain and Portugal When you travel by car, you will naturally use a lot of highways. In Spain and Portugal, as in other European countries,... 2017.05.16 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey April 2017 – Journey to Western Spain and Portugal, Introduction I went to Spain and Portugal during Golden Week this year. The purpose of my visit to Spain was to visit "The Most Beaut... 2017.05.12 April 2017 western Spain and Portugal of the journey
photo 天上の村「マルヴァオン」 ?過去の写真から? 不定期で過去の写真を紹介しようかなって思います。(これといって日記ネタがないので)flickrからのご案内です。今日はポルトガルの村「マルヴァオン」のご紹介。天上の村「マルヴァオン」、スペインとの国境から30分くらいかな。不思議なとがった決... 2009.11.07 photo
uncategorized 4travelの登録 今更ながらなのですが、4travelに登録してみました。個人旅行者、特に海外旅行をされている方は、このサイト結構ご存じだと思います。地球の歩き方などでフォローされていないようなこともここのサイトのどなたかの旅行記で書かれていたりしますので、... 2009.04.07 uncategorized
2008 Spain and Portugal とりあえず無事到着 席が窓側のせいもあるけど、いつも以上に疲れた。これからクルマで帰ります。左右間違えないよいにしないと。あと荒い運転に注意だね。 2008.11.03 2008 Spain and Portugal