Flute Lesson No.50

05. Musicflute

Celebrate 50 times! And so is my flute career, which is now 2 years and 2 months.

I still can’t escape from the realm of a bad beginner, but before I realized it, I had already had my 50th lesson. Well, I’m getting to be able to play, albeit very slowly….

I’m expanding my range little by little. Yes, to about 3rd position in violin, something like that.

I’m still struggling with the upper de and re, but I’m getting better at hitting them than I used to. I still need to work on how to move my lower lip when switching octaves, but I think I’m getting the hang of it little by little.

We started practicing the bass notes do and re last week.

The angle of the face, the angle of the breath, and the opening of the mouth. Very difficult. The center of the lips must be open to some extent, but on the other hand, the whole lips must not be loose. Therefore, it seems that you have to make a movement to tighten your lips at the same time by making both sides of your lips stick upward more than usual to make it sound.

Then fingering. It’s difficult to move the little finger of the right hand when moving from M to Do or S to Do in the bass. This is something I’ve never experienced before. If you’re a flute player, you know how to slide your right hand little finger sideways. It’s not easy to do. It seems that another big wall has appeared.

I’ve often been warned about my breathing style, specifically that I open my mouth too much and my embouchure collapses, but this is improving, although still not enough.

