Running the Ome Marathon Course Part2

09. SportsMedoc Marathon 2014running

I went to run the Ome Marathon course this Saturday as I did last week.

It wasn’t as sunny as last week, but it didn’t rain and it was a bit cloudy throughout the day, with occasional sunshine through the clouds and a nice breeze. The temperature was certainly high and we were sweating a lot, but it was very easy to run.

I don’t know if it was because I drank and ate a little too much the day before last week, but I retired after 26km, so this week was also about revenge.

The pace was about the same as last week, but I was in good shape. After 25km, my legs were feeling a bit tired, but I managed to finish the race. Yay!

The pace is not bad for this heat. After all, the pace is faster in the second half of the descent.

Still, I’m hoping I can pick up the pace a bit more. I’m trying to run slow because I’m worried about the heat, but maybe I can go a little faster.

終了後は、先週と同じように河辺駅前の温泉施設で疲れを癒やしました。先週教わった足のケア方法、「冷たい水をかける or 冷たい水に浸す、その後、お湯をかける or お湯につける」を数回繰り返す、これを行ったおかげで翌日ウソみたいに筋肉痛にならないんです。

Of course I don’t miss this after finishing the race (laughs)

I ran over 30km and it didn’t affect me the next day. Excellent!

