Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.29: Barcelona Part 3: Sant Pau Hospital Date of visit: just after noon on May 5One of the masterpieces of Montaner, the master of Modelismo, who is praised alon... 2016.10.04 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.28: Barcelona Part 2 “World Heritage Site: Concert at the Catalan Music Hall Visit date: May 4, 2016 at 8 p.m. and May 5, 2016 at 10 a.m.It was my first visit to Barcelona, a city I have visited ma... 2016.09.30 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.27: Barcelona Part 1 “Colonia Güell”. Date and time of visit: 1:00 p.m., May 4, 2016An unfinished masterpiece on the outskirts of Barcelona!Last 3 days in Bar... 2016.09.26 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.20: Roncesvalles Burgess, a bit of a pilgrimage route Date and Time of Visit: May 2, 2016, approximately 9:00 a.m.The first stop on the Spanish side of the pilgrimage route, ... 2016.09.04 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.14: World Heritage Tour No.8 “Vizcaya Bridge Date and time of visit: April 30, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m.It was the most "fun" part of the trip! It may be a world... 2016.08.22 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.13: World Heritage Tour No.7 “Burgos Cathedral Date and Time of Visit: April 30, 2016 at approximately 10:00 a.m.One of my favorite cathedrals in Europe.Burgos, the ma... 2016.08.20 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.11: World Heritage Tour No.6 “Segovia Old Town and Roman Aqueduct Date and time of visit: 10 a.m., April 29, 2016A tour of beautiful villages has suddenly become a World Heritage Site in... 2016.08.08 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.10: World Heritage Tour No.5 “Zaragoza” Mudejar style architecture in Aragon Visit date: April 27, 2016, after 3:00 p.m., overnight.The ancient capital of Spain, but a bit half-hearted?I've fallen ... 2016.08.02 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.8: World Heritage Tour No.4 “Catalan Romanesque Churches in Bar de Boi A stunning collaboration of medieval and modern art!Date and Time of Visit: April 26, 2016 at approximately 3:00 p.m.3 h... 2016.07.01 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.7: World Heritage Tour No.3 “Poblei Monastery Visit Date: April 26, 2016Cistercian monastery in the Catalan countrysideNow back to our World Heritage Site series. On ... 2016.06.27 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.6: World Heritage Tour No.2 “Teruel” Mudejar style architecture in Aragon Date of visit: April 24, 2016 (overnight)A little inconvenient, but nice Teruel.Back to the World Heritage Tour series. ... 2016.06.10 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW 2016 GW Spain Trip No.5: World Heritage Tour No.1 Historic Citadel of Cuenca Date of visit: April 23 and 24, 2016One of the objectives is to visit the World Heritage SitesFrom this issue, I would l... 2016.06.03 Spain Basque journey 2016 GW
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn Germany and the Enclave Tour Autumn 2015, No. 22: Bergparc Wilhelmshöhe, a World Heritage Site with very beautiful autumn leaves outside Kassel. Once again, I realized that Germany is a country with very beautiful autumn leaves.Visit date: November 1, 2015, weather... 2016.02.02 Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn Germany and the Enclave Tour Autumn 2015, Part 20: World Heritage Site “Bremen’s Marktplatz” A typical fairy tale town. It was lively on holiday.Visit date: 31 October 2015, weather: cloudyTo Bremen on the fairy t... 2016.01.28 Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn Germany and the Enclave Tour, Autumn 2015, Part 19: Kinderdijk, a scene with windmills synonymous with the Netherlands When you think of the Netherlands, you think of this!Date of visit: October 29, weather: fineSpeaking of the Netherlands... 2016.01.09 Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn