world Heritage

Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.29: Barcelona Part 3: Sant Pau Hospital

Date of visit: just after noon on May 5One of the masterpieces of Montaner, the master of Modelismo, who is praised alon...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.28: Barcelona Part 2 “World Heritage Site: Concert at the Catalan Music Hall

Visit date: May 4, 2016 at 8 p.m. and May 5, 2016 at 10 a.m.It was my first visit to Barcelona, a city I have visited ma...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.27: Barcelona Part 1 “Colonia Güell”.

Date and time of visit: 1:00 p.m., May 4, 2016An unfinished masterpiece on the outskirts of Barcelona!Last 3 days in Bar...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.20: Roncesvalles Burgess, a bit of a pilgrimage route

Date and Time of Visit: May 2, 2016, approximately 9:00 a.m.The first stop on the Spanish side of the pilgrimage route, ...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.14: World Heritage Tour No.8 “Vizcaya Bridge

Date and time of visit: April 30, 2016, approximately 1:00 p.m.It was the most "fun" part of the trip! It may be a world...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.13: World Heritage Tour No.7 “Burgos Cathedral

Date and Time of Visit: April 30, 2016 at approximately 10:00 a.m.One of my favorite cathedrals in Europe.Burgos, the ma...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.11: World Heritage Tour No.6 “Segovia Old Town and Roman Aqueduct

Date and time of visit: 10 a.m., April 29, 2016A tour of beautiful villages has suddenly become a World Heritage Site in...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.10: World Heritage Tour No.5 “Zaragoza” Mudejar style architecture in Aragon

Visit date: April 27, 2016, after 3:00 p.m., overnight.The ancient capital of Spain, but a bit half-hearted?I've fallen ...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.8: World Heritage Tour No.4 “Catalan Romanesque Churches in Bar de Boi

A stunning collaboration of medieval and modern art!Date and Time of Visit: April 26, 2016 at approximately 3:00 p.m.3 h...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.7: World Heritage Tour No.3 “Poblei Monastery

Visit Date: April 26, 2016Cistercian monastery in the Catalan countrysideNow back to our World Heritage Site series. On ...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.6: World Heritage Tour No.2 “Teruel” Mudejar style architecture in Aragon

Date of visit: April 24, 2016 (overnight)A little inconvenient, but nice Teruel.Back to the World Heritage Tour series. ...
Spain Basque journey 2016 GW

2016 GW Spain Trip No.5: World Heritage Tour No.1 Historic Citadel of Cuenca

Date of visit: April 23 and 24, 2016One of the objectives is to visit the World Heritage SitesFrom this issue, I would l...
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn

Germany and the Enclave Tour Autumn 2015, No. 22: Bergparc Wilhelmshöhe, a World Heritage Site with very beautiful autumn leaves outside Kassel.

Once again, I realized that Germany is a country with very beautiful autumn leaves.Visit date: November 1, 2015, weather...
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn

Germany and the Enclave Tour Autumn 2015, Part 20: World Heritage Site “Bremen’s Marktplatz”

A typical fairy tale town. It was lively on holiday.Visit date: 31 October 2015, weather: cloudyTo Bremen on the fairy t...
Germany and the enclave Tour 2015 autumn

Germany and the Enclave Tour, Autumn 2015, Part 19: Kinderdijk, a scene with windmills synonymous with the Netherlands

When you think of the Netherlands, you think of this!Date of visit: October 29, weather: fineSpeaking of the Netherlands...