The most beautiful village of Italy

Northern Italy Travel September 2015

Castelfranco Piandiscò – ★★☆☆☆: Tour of the most beautiful villages in Italy No.5

Visit Date: April 29, 2019, at approximately 10:00 a.m.This trip is now on its third day. It is still in the early stage...
April 2019 Italy

Suvereto – ★★★★☆: Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages No.4

Visit Date: April 28, 2019, approximately 1:00 p.m.It's been a long time since my last diary update. I still need to rec...
April 2019 Italy

Buonconvento – ★★★★☆: Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages No.3

Visit Date: April 28, 2019, at approximately 10:00 a.m.This day was a trip to Tuscany. But we didn't go to the so-called...
April 2019 Italy

Caprarola – ★★★★★: Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages No. 2

Visit Date: April 27, 2019, at approximately 4:00 p.m.On the second day of arrival, the 27th, the first day as a sightse...
April 2019 Italy

Civita de Bagnoregio – ★★★★★: Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages No. 1

Visit Date: April 27, 2019, approximately 1:00 p.m.This is the Italian version of "Tour of the World's Most Beautiful Vi...
The most beautiful village of Italy

May 2014 Italy’s Most Beautiful Village Tour Field Report No.3

Local Time: Afternoon, April 25, 2014Updates have been delayed due to internet connection related issues. Can you update...
02.IT related

Applying the traveling salesman problem to create the best route Part 1 – Tour of Italy’s most beautiful villages 2014

201405 Italy

Get the official guide book of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Got it from the other day. I couldn't get it from the official website and it was rather expensive.There are ...

How to open the location registered in Google Maps Engine in Google Maps app on iPhone

Now, let's continue where we left off last time.イタリアの最も美しい村は全部で230箇所!すべてGoogle Maps Engineに登録してみた | my lifelog yuu-koma....
201405 Italy

There are 230 of the most beautiful villages in Italy! I’ve registered them all on Google Maps Engine.

I counted properly the "Most Beautiful Villages of Italy".なんとその数230箇所!Creating a beautiful village list in a spreadsheet...
201405 Italy

2014 GW is all about “Touring Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages” Gotta check out the local flavors!

This is my annual GW trip. (I'm going to Reunion Island at the end of this month, and this is France. Now that we've com...